Taftoon and Lavash Bread Flour

This kind of flour is produced from whole endosperm and a part of wheat’s bran with extraction rate of 15%. Presence of bran in this product will increase the nutritional value of the bread.

This kind of flour is used more for producing the Taftoon and Lavash breads. Fermenting by sour paste and or yeast completely and in the needed range followed by creating aromatic materials as well as producing the phytase enzyme will create a fragrant bread with making it minerals absorbable.



The standard range of ash, gluten and protein is according to following table:


Ash Gluten Protein
0.851- 1.225 Min 25% Min 11%


Gluten of Taftoon and Lavash flour produced by Varamin Flour Industries Company is over than 28% and its ash is in the range of 1- 1.18.